Reduce Time to Market With a Substrate Toolkit

4 min readOct 25, 2021

Just because a market is heavily saturated doesn’t have to mean you have no chance of success. What it has typically meant, though, is that you need to go above and beyond to get a marketable product out there. But being seen isn’t about eccentric marketing techniques anymore. Instead, you need to be quick off the mark and get something ready to show clients, potential investors, and your user base as early as possible.

Trickle’s toolkit for Substrate has been specially created to do just that. With Trickle, creatives and entrepreneurs will be able to take their idea to market as quickly and successfully as possible, without the need for advanced technical knowledge or costly marketing campaigns.

Getting Ahead of the Competition

An idea alone is no longer enough to spark interest or give you the momentum you need to get to market. Businesses need to set themselves apart from the crowd and show a level of viability that their competitors can’t offer. To achieve this, it is effectively a race against time to get a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), so you can start collecting engagement data.

But for years, this kind of technology has only been available to those who can afford a technical team. And the cost and time associated with developing that level of functionality can mean that ideas are discarded before they even approach the first hurdle.

But thanks to Trickle, more people will be able to develop an idea and get an MVP out there, thus increasing the rate of innovation. Essentially, this is the role of a toolkit, and it is exactly what we need right now for smart contracts.

Substrate Can Be Your Foundation

As a modular blockchain framework, Substrate contains all you need to build your own blockchain. It is also the basis for Polkadot, a network that connects blockchains through a shared security model.

Polkadot allows a huge number of transactions to be processed as once, meaning you have access to completely secure blockchains without having to sacrifice time or money. The knock-on effect of this is that non-technical creators can take advantage of the myriad opportunities that the crypto industry can provide.

Trickle was created with non-expert users in mind. The team has intentionally created a user-friendly interface that allows individuals and businesses to get their ideas to market quickly, without needing to know how to code and without having to rely on third-party applications and websites to build their businesses.

Trickle is passionate about fostering innovation and independence through a decentralized blockchain approach to MVPs and smart contract toolkits. By utilizing cutting-edge blockchain technology, they are giving people the tools they need to bring their vision to life, without the barriers and limitations that have plagued the industry since its explosion.

Trickle Streamlines Your Marketing Challenges

In addition to development costs, one aspect of business that Trickle can support you with is marketing. Ordinarily, marketing and advertising require extensive resources as well as a strategy that has been planned out by experts. Trickle circumvents this need with its cleverly created dashboard, which works to give your project visibility. As your idea gains more momentum and becomes more popular, more people will continue to see it. That is not to say that the idea is limited to the dashboard, though, as you can integrate smart contract functionality into your existing online presence, too. By focusing exclusively on the benefits of your product rather than spending time building relationships with expensive marketing experts or cobbling together marketing packages yourself, you save you time, valuable resources, and energy. This all means that products get exposure more quickly and with a greater level of diversity.

An All-in-One Solution Can Help You Realize Your Idea

When trying to take a raw idea to any level of completion, there are typically a whole host of concerns that slow down development and exposure. From security and coding to marketing, the drains on both tie and money can be insurmountable barriers to viability.

But Trickle gives creators independence and removes the up-front financial strain by utilizing blockchain technology. By eliminating the need for developers, marketing experts, and coders, you can now have the necessary resources to invest in product and business development instead. With Trickle, building a brand will be less stressful than ever.

It’s time to join the disruption revolution with a Substrate toolkit. Get smart and get your product out there.

About Trickle

Trickle is an open-source smart contract archive. Designed for integration with Substrate in mind. Trickle combines simplicity and functionality to bring you one of the most user friendly feature rich tools you will find in the Crypto Space. Built by developers, for everyone.

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Trickle is an open-source smart contract archive. Designed for integration with Substrate in mind 🚀